Ще можете да видите отново спектакъла "ОТВЛИЧАНЕ" в Червената къща на 7.12. с две извънредни представления от 19:00 и 20:30ч.!!!
Организация за съвременно алтернативно изкуство и култура / Organization for Contemporary Alternative Art and Culture
Reading Performances of New Romanian Drama in Non-theatrical Spaces
ProText’s third edition borrows its name from its Romanian partner organization, dramAcum (Drama Now/How), thus re-emphasizing the project’s main purpose: to inspire the creation and promotion of contemporary texts for theatre in Bulgaria.
As with the past editions each reading performance will take place in a non-theatrical space selected on a play-specific basis.
After the performance readings were first launched in 2007 by staging four German texts, and then two French ones in the fall of 2008, now the team of 36 Monkeys has found and translated four interesting pieces of contemporary Romanian drama, one of which will be presented in the bill of ProText: Drama Now:
(The Day After Tomorrow, the Day Before Yesterday),
by Gianina Carbunariu
November 20th (Friday)
6:30 pm & 8:00 pm
November 21st (Saturday)
6:30 pm & 8:00 pm
November 22nd (Sunday)
6:30 pm
The former premises of Thin Red Line Bar
at 27, Vladayska Street
(at the back of the Ministry of Agriculture)
Free admission*
*limited audience capacity of the venue!
To book in advance please call
Vasilena Radeva 0888 77 94 13
Gergana Dimitrova 0888 90 35 21
* * *
Gianina Carbunariu is celebrated as one of the representative names of the young Romanian theatre. She is among the initiators of dramAcum Project (2001) launched with the aim of discovering new authors and playwriting techniques. Her texts focus on the conflicts and paradoxes of contemporary society and are written for “the generation of the 25-30 years old”. The characters in FASTFORWARDREWIND live in a future when some “insignificant” issues of today have escalated to a ridiculous routine and their memories sound like this:
“I remember this…object…not bigger than matchbox or a pack of cigarettes. Some kinda wires were attached to it. At their ends there’d be some sort of ear plugs, I guess. This was one of the most important gadgets of our century. We all wanted to be surrounded by sounds, music, vibrations, songs and words we liked. Nothing could take this pleasure away, not even the fact the Malaysian workers putting these things together were paid 50 dollars a month for 15 hour day shifts. It was called the Ipod.
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36 Monkeys
36 Monkeys is a non-governmental organization established to launch and implement innovative projects in the field of culture and art focused exclusively on experimenting with and promotion of alternative and unpopular art forms. Its long-term strategy is justified by the idea to extend and diversify the non-institutionalized and informal art making environment in Bulgaria and thus to democratize and re-vitalize the country’s cultural life.
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The ProText Project (that is either “For the Text’s Sake”, or “In support of the Text” at your pleasure) was launched in 2007 with the aim of promoting high-grade and non-conventional pieces of contemporary drama representative for different countries. Each edition is a selection of four theatrical texts translated into Bulgarian with the aim to present, and subsequently publish them in Bulgarian.
The plays are selected by various criteria, such as: whether they focus on the topics of the day, experiment with traditional playwriting, question the expressive potential of language and theatre performance itself. While looking for adequate means to stage such texts the team attempts to study and further develop the form of staged reading performance. Readings are performed live by a team including theatre actors and directors, set designers, visual artists, and musicians.
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The following plays have been translated for
Manuscript Woman, by Lia Bugnar
FASTFORWARDREWIND (The Day After Tomorrow, the Day Before Yesterday), by Gianina Carbunariu
Zuckerfrei, by Nicoleta Esinencu
Sunshine Play, by Peca Stefan
Translated by Ivan Radev and Lora Nenkovska
In 2010, all four titles will be published in a special edition by Panorama+ Publishing House.
36 Monkeys
An Organization for Contemporary Alternative Art and Culture
Contact Info:
36monkeys@gmail.com • www.36monkeys.blogspot.com
Gergana Dimitrova: 0888 903 521, gertata@gmail.com
Vasileva Radeva: 0888 779 413, vasiway@gmail.com
Mladen Alexiev: 0885 819 980, malexiev@gmail.com
ProText: Drama Now
is carried out in partnership with
dramAcum, Romania
with the financial support of
Sofia Municipality under the Culture Programme
and with the kind assistance of the
Embassy of Romania to Bulgaria and Thin Red Line Bar.